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August 13, 2004 - Issue 4.34  


TDR provides topical forums to encourage serious and good-humored discussion of education issues of more than passing interest. The forums are open to any one who cares to engage in a civil exchange of views. TDR encourages the submission of concise, lively and engaging comments and looks askance at long, dull or ideological pieces. They can find a home somewhere else. Obvious drivel, nasty, whining or complaining comments will not even be considered. Lively point-counterpoint is encouraged, so long as it remains civil; ad hominum argument will not be entertained, nor will name calling or ugly finger pointing.

Topics will be identified by the Managing Editor (who eagerly solicits suggestions from forum readers and participants). They will be posted for as long as he likes, and changed upon his whim. All forum pieces must be signed and must be accompanied by a return e-mail address and a daytime phone number to permit verification of authenticity. Pseudonyms are not permitted. Submissions are subject to editing for excessive length and offensive content, which includes but is not limited to racial, sexual and ethnic slurs, profanity and vulgarity and intemperate expressions of crabbiness or irritability. The determination as to what will be posted and what not is the exclusive province of TDR. Any published forum submission becomes the property of TDR and may be archived for future use.

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