Legal News provides a great legal and general information portal to statistics, resources and legal links on line. [top]
American School Directory
The American School Directory is the Internet guide to all 108,000 K-12 schools, providing information, communication and payment tools for teachers, students, parents, local communities and families planning a move. American School Directory (ASD) is sponsored by Computers For Education, IBM, Innisbrook Wraps and Vanderbilt University. With over 108,000 individual Web Sites, this revolutionary Internet resource provides every K-12 school in America, public and private, a free Internet presence and identity. Loaded with pictures, maps, art, information, calendars, etc., ASD contains over 2,500,000 pages of useful content [top]
Education World
Education Inc. is a comprehensive search engine that has been solely dedicated to educational Web sites. If it realtes to education it is likely here. [top]