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September 9, 2003 - Issue 3.36  


Main Menu Web Links Suggested Reading Partner Organizations
Administrators Parents
Policy Makers Students

Choice and Accountability
Kids First YES (MI)
Voting YES on Michigan's Proposal 1 on the November general election ballot will reform education and improve our children's education by:
1. Testing every teacher to guarantee excellence. 2. Protecting school funding for years to come. 3. Giving every child a chance to succeed through opportunity scholarships


School Choices
The Milton and Rose Friedman Foundation is the culmination of what has been one of our main interests for more than four decades: improvement in the quality of the education available to children of all income and social classes in this nation, whether that education is provided in government or private schools or at home.

Campaign for America's Children
The Campaign For America's Children is a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization that seeks to educate the public on issues related to improving children's education. The mission of Campaign for America's Children is to inform the American people of the state of education in our country. We will be asking Americans whether they believe that parents should be in charge of the education of their children, or whether the government should control the education of their children.

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