"President trumpets education initiative," Associated Press, 9/8/2003
As developments in Iraq and the Middle East dominated President Bush's attention, he tried to change the focus to his domestic agenda Saturday, saying the education law he championed is raising the bar for student achievement.
"U.S. Education Secretary Paige Highlights Department's Highly Qualified Teacher Initiatives," Department of Education, 9/3/2003
U.S. Education Secretary Rod Paige today issued the following statement in response to a report by the Education Trust on the department's implementation of the teacher quality provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act: "I have tremendous respect for the Education Trust and its president, Kati Haycock, and will take a close look at the recommendations of the report, but I disagree with the basic premise.
"U.S. House Passes Bush-Backed Plan to Strengthen Head Start Program," Committee on Education and the Workforce, 7/25/2003
In a victory for President Bush and the nearly 1 million disadvantaged children in the federal Head Start program, the U.S. House of Representatives tonight passed legislation authored by Rep. Mike Castle (R-DE) that would strengthen the academic components of Head Start, improve teacher quality, and allow coordination between Head Start and successful state early childhood programs in up to eight states.