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August 20, 2004 - Issue 4.35  


Education in China: Demand Overwhelms Supply. The Education Industry Report, January 2000.

“Business and the Schools: Why Business Cares.” Indianapolis Business Journal. March 1992.

"Schools Should Be Run Using Same Standards That Govern Business.” York Daily Record. February 1992.

"Schools Should Be Run Using Same Standards That Govern Business.” York Daily Record. February 1992.

“Business’ Role in Public Schools.” Roll Call. January 1992.

“Schools Should Be Run Using Same Standards That Govern Business.” York Daily Record. February 1992.

“Business’ Role in Public Schools.” Roll Call. January 1992.

“Making Large Districts Work.” The Charlotte Observer. December 1991.

“America 2000.” Phi Delta Kappan. November 1991.

“America 2000.” Council for Basic Education. October 1991.

“Can We Win the Race With the Japanese?” Interview. The School Administrator. August 1991.

“Education Ideas and Strategies for the 1990s.” With Bruce S. Cooper and Roberta Trachtman. The American Enterprise. March/April, 1991.

“Reform at the Crossroads.” With Terry Hartle. Council for Basic Education, Vol. 34, No. 10. June 1990.

“Education Ideas and Strategies for the 1990s.” With Bruce S. Cooper and Roberta Trachtman. The American Enterprise. March/April, 1991.

“Reform at the Crossroads.” With Terry Hartle. Council for Basic Education, Vol. 34, No. 10. June 1990.

“How Corporations are Helping Schools.” Roll Call Magazine. May 21, 1990.

Education @ the Century’s End: Two Top Thinkers, Ted Sizer and Denis Doyle, Hook up via e-mail. Teacher. December 1999.

Education and Markets: Some Thoughts on Supply and Demand. The Education Industry Report, September 1999.

De Facto National Standards How Competition and the World Wide Web Will Do What Congress Cannot. Education Week, July 14, 1999

Benchmarking – Real Lessons From The Real World, School Business Affairs, September 1997.

“Anti-Catholicism as Public Policy.” The Public Interest, Spring, 1997.

“A Conservative View of Education.” The Phi Delta Kappan. February 1997.

“School Reform.” The American Enterprise, September/October, 1996.

“Education and Markets: Some Thoughts on Supply and Demand.” The Education Industry Report. September 1996. Vol. 4, num. 9.

“The Reform Agenda: Private Management and School Reform.” The American Enterprise, May/June 1994.

“Developing Human Capital: The Role of the Private Sector.” Theory Into Practice, Vol. 33, No. 4. The Ohio State University, Fall 1994.

“The Role of Private Sector Management in Public Education.” Phi Delta Kappan. October 1994.

“The Reform Agenda: Private Management and School Reform.” The American Enterprise. May/June, 1994.

“Technology and Change.” With Robert I. Benjamin and Eliot Levinson. The Executive Educator. October 1993.

“American Education: Good, Bad or Indifferent?” Phi Delta Kappan. April 1993.

“The Charlotte Process.” With Susan Pimentel. Phi Delta Kappan. March 1993.

“The Charlotte Process.” With Susan Pimentel. Phi Delta Kappan. March 1993.

"The Vision for a New ‘School House.’” Hudson Opinion. October 1992.

"The White House and the School House.” Phi Delta Kappan. October 1992.

“The Modern Red School House.” The Charlotte Observer. August 1992.

“For the Record.” The Washington Post. July 1992.

“Bright Lights, Big Questions: The Edison Project and Our Schools.” The American Enterprise. July 1992.

“Leave it to Business.” The Executive Educator. June 1992.

“Technology and Choice: Educational Opportunity.” June, 1992. Reprinted from “American Education: The Challenge, the Opportunity.” Phi Delta Kappan. March 1992.

“American Education: The Challenge, the Opportunity.” Phi Delta Kappan. March 1992.

Magazines and Journals Prior to 1990

“Teacher Choice.” Hudson Briefing Paper. The Hudson Institute. Reprinted from “Teacher Choice.” Carnegie, July 10, 1989.

“Why School Choice Will Boost Learning.” The American School Board Journal, Vol. 176, No. 7. July 1989.

“Education President-Elect.” Basic Education, Vol. 33, No. 5. January 1989.

“Business-Led School Reform: The Second Wave.” Across the Board. November 1987.

“Educational Turmoil in Japan, Britain, France and at Home.” Public Opinion. September/October, 1987.

“Business and the Public Schools.” Peabody Journal of Education, Volume 63, Number 2. Ed. Denis P. Doyle and Marsha Levine. Winter 1986.

“Student Aid Muddle.” With Terry W. Hartle. The Atlantic. February 1986. Reprinted in Education Digest. April 1986. And in American Government. Guilford, CT: Dushkin Publishing Group, 1988.

“De Facto New Federalism.” With Terry W. Hartle. State Legislatures. February 1986.

“Capital Formation and Movement: The Human Dimension.” Foreign Policy and Defense Review. Washington, DC: The American Enterprise Institute, 1985.

“Leadership in Education: Governors, Legislators, and Teachers.” With Terry W. Hartle. Phi Delta Kappan. September 1985.

“Facing the Fiscal Chopping Block: It's Time to Rethink Student Aid.” With Terry W. Hartle. Change. July/August, 1985.

“Education and the Press: Malign Neglect? American Educator. Spring 1985.

“Magnet Schools.” With Marsha Levine. Phi Delta Kappan, Vol. 66, No. 4. December 1984.

“Public Teachers, Private Schools.” The American Spectator, Vol. 17, No.11, pp. 32-33. November 1984.

“American Education and the Future of Local Control.” With Chester E. Finn, Jr. Public Interest. Fall 1984.

“Window of Opportunity.” The Wilson Quarterly. Vol. VIII, No. 1. New Year’s, 1984. Reprinted as “A Window of Opportunity in Education.” Across the Board, pp. 52-58. April 1984. As “A Window of Opportunity to Improve Our Teacher Force.” Baltimore Sun. January 9, 1984. And as “Teacher Licensing Could Pave the Way to Better School Systems.” Chicago Tribune. January 15, 1984.

“Tuition Tax Credits and Education Vouchers: Private Interests and the Public Good.” The College Board Review, No. 130. Winter 1983-84.

“The Unsacred Texts: Market Forces That Work Too Well.” American Educator, Vol. 8, No. 2. Summer 1984.

“Is Excellence Possible in Urban Public Schools?” With Bruce Cooper. American Education Magazine. November 1983. Reprinted with minor changes in a two part series as “New York's Special High Schools: The Creative Worlds of Tech and Arts,” and “New York City’s Specialized High Schools: Westinghouse Awards, FAA Certificates, and a School for All Students.” Education Times. February 20 and 27 1984.

“Federal Funds and State Interests: A Proposal for Governing NAEP.” Phi Delta Kappan. May 1983.

“The Federal Government and the Schools: Where Do We Go From Here?” With Terry W. Hartle. Journal of Contemporary Studies. Winter 1983.

“The Poor Man's Voucher?” Regulation, No. 5. September/October, 1981. (Unsigned).

“Education Issues: Public and Private.” New York University Education Quarterly, Vol. 12, no. 4. Summer 198l.

“A Din of Inequity? Private Schools Reconsidered.” Teachers College Record, Vol. 82, No. 4. Summer 198l.

“Education Down Under.” Phi Delta Kappan. June 1981.

“Paying for Good Schools.” The New Republic, Vol. 165, No. 24. December 11, 1971.

“Court Decision Shakes School Tax Structure.” California Journal, Vol. II, No. 8. September 1971.

“California's Education Schools Lose Out.” Change, Vol. 3, No. 4. Summer 1971.

“Teacher Credentialing.” California School Board Journal, Vol. I, No. 2. February 1970.

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