“A Morality Tale of Public School Choice.” The American School Board Journal. March, 1994. Review of Miracle in East Harlem: The Fight for Choice in Public Education. Seymour Fliegel. With James MacGuire. New York, NY: Random House.
“Report Card on Higher Education.” The Washington Post Book World. December 12, 1986. Review of Higher Learning. Derek Bok. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1987. And Washington, DC to Washington Square. John Brademas. New York, NY: Weidenfeld Nicolson, 1987.
“School Reform without Passion.” Foundation News, Vol. 25, No. 2. March/April, 1984. Review of High School: A Report on Secondary Education in America. Ernest L. Boyer. New York, NY: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Harper & Row Publishers, 1983.
“Education’s Troubled Crusade.” American Educator. Winter 1983. The Troubled Crusade: American Education 1945-1980. Diane Ravitch. New York, NY: Basic Books, Inc., 1983.
“James Coleman’s, Thomas Hoffer’s, and Sally Kilgore’s High School Achievement: Public, Catholic, and Private Schools Compared.” Teaching Political Science, Vol. 10, No. 4. Summer 1983. Review of High School Achievement: Public, Catholic, and Private Schools Compared. James Coleman, Thomas Hoffer, and Sally Kilgore. New York, NY: Basic Books, Inc., 1982.