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April 24, 2004 - Issue 4.16  

Denis Doyle
83 – Reasonableness is as Reasonable Does
Over the years, Fordham Professor Bruce Cooper and I have consulted with literally dozens of school districts across the country, and invariably someone asks the same question (or variant on it):  are per pupil school expenditures “reasonable” (or unreasonable, as they case may be)?  At first glance, the question itself seems eminently reasonable, but rarely are we able to give an answer beyond “yes, they are reasonable.
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Curriculum and Instruction: The Vision Thing
Confusion promotes failure. Often the instruction division has a vision for the district, but the technology department has another.
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Technology News
"MSBlast epidemic far larger than believed," Cnet, 4/2/2004
The latest data comes from the software giant's ability to track the usage of an online tool that its engineers created to clean systems infected with the worm.
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"The Blogging Multi-Millionaire," Ernie the Attorney, 3/21/2004
love it. The NBA bad-boy owner of the Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban, has a weblog. I used to think Cuban was a blowhard.
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Week In Review
"Higher-ed voucher bill goes to Owens," Denver Post, 4/28/2004
The legislature approved and sent to Gov. Bill Owens on Tuesday a plan to overhaul how Colorado pays for higher education.
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"Va. Principal Cadre Aims To Fix Schools," Education Week, 4/28/2004
Borrowing a strategy from the corporate world, Virginia plans to form an elite cadre of principals armed with the skills needed to jump-start improvement in low-performing schools.
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